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Writer's pictureHettie Schoeman

Menstrual Cup Frequently Asked Questions

If you are new to reusable menstrual cups or like to know more, this most comprehensive menstrual cup questions and answers will give you excellent insight into this delightful invention of feminine sanitary products.

Changing the lives of millions of females all over the world, the menstrual cup has made our monthlies natural, easily manageable and…forgettable. Period!

1. Let’s Start with The Mechanics of The Cup.

Q - what is a menstrual cup

Like in the picture above, they are silicone cups to be inserted into a vagina where they collect menstrual fluid during a monthly period. The Kind Cup comes in three sizes (S M L) to comfortably suit quite a variety of beautiful female forms and their unique menstruation patterns.

Q - how does a menstrual cup work

When correctly inserted into the vagina, it gently sucks to the wall of the vaginal canal, allowing unhindered menstrual flow and collection. Thank goodness menstrual cups suck and they do a pretty good job too. When you wish to remove it after a few hours (to be discussed further in this article), you simply remove it, clean it properly with water and re-insert or put it away until your next cycle.

Q - what are menstrual cups made of

Of course, we need to know as we are using this very intimately. Our Kind Cups are made of 100% medical grade silicone, tested for biocompatibility and appropriate for medical applications that also include baby bottle nipples and menstrual cups.

Q - are menstrual cups safe

Yes, they are safe to use because they are made from silica, the main constituent of sand which is a natural element from the earth’s crust. They are non-toxic, free of latex, rubber, phthalate plasticisers, BPA, and bleaches.

Q - are menstrual cups comfortable

Although our cup is firm, it is soft and very comfortable to wear as this feedback from our delighted Kind Cup users have attested to.

Q - are menstrual cups reusable and how long does a menstrual cup last

With good (and easy) care the Kind Cup can indeed be used for many years, 5 and more.

But evaluate yours annually to see if it needs to be replaced as your unique pH level may have a different effect on your cup.

Q - are menstrual cups good

We understand that changing from any sanitary product to a menstrual cup may be a big decision (and it isn’t everybody’s cup of tea) but please read about it a lot, ask friends who use it and gain as much knowledge about it as you can.

Yes, the cup has been a life changer for millions of women the world over and from experience with our own Kind Cups, we can only say they are pretty damn good…and this is why:

  • they don’t absorb fluid, therefore no odour

  • nonporous and resistant to bacterial growth

  • don’t interfere with the body’s pH balance

  • they are leak free, hypoallergenic, and perfectly safe to use

  • kind on our bodies with no harmful chemicals

  • have no effect of dryness and therefore no irritation to the vaginal canal

  • reusable for up to 5 years and more (less than R10 per cycle over 5 years)

  • dark in colour to disguise discoloration

  • easy to clean and care for

  • sustainable and cost effective

  • are available in 3 sizes for a comfortable fit

  • softer on our ecosystems and planet than disposable tampons and pads

  • they are more dependable than pads and tampons when it comes to long periods where you can’t change them, saving you the embarrassment of stained clothing

  • you can exercise, practice yoga and swim with them.

2. Now into the Mechanics of the Female Body

Q - which menstrual cup size should I choose

Before choosing a menstrual cup, use this size guide to give you a good idea how to measure menstrual cup that would suit your special kind of body.

We have found that petite and even medium built females may find they need a smaller size regardless of their age or if they gave natural birth. Base your cup size on your flow instead. If your cup is too big for you, it may have difficulty opening and cause leaking or discomfort.

Q - how much blood do you lose during your period

The average amount of blood lost during a period is between 30 to 72 ml (about 2 to 5 tablespoons. These figures below may also assist you in choosing your ideal menstrual cup size.

  • Light = less than 30 ml per cycle

  • Normal = between 30 to 60 ml per cycle

  • Heavy = 80ml and more per cycle

With a cup, you’ll be able to gauge your flow more securely and the longer you wear it, the more confident you’ll grow knowing how long before it needs to be emptied. This may be handy for ladies working in an environment where regular visits to the toilet are not always a given.

Q - is a menstrual cup good for heavy flow

Yes you can use a menstrual cup if you have a heavy flow, just check how long it takes to fill when you start on your cup journey so that you know when to empty. Heavy bleeding or menorrhagia is defined as losing 80ml or more during your cycle, or periods lasting longer than 7 days. It can be normal for many females but consult your doctor when other related symptoms appear or if the heavy bleeding affects your daily living negatively.

Q - which menstrual cup is best for heavy flow

If you are of petite built but have heavy flows, we wouldn’t recommend a bigger cup as your body might find it uncomfortable. Rather opt for a smaller size and empty your cup more often during your heavy flow days.

Q - can I use a menstrual cup if I pass large clots Sure. Now either consider a cup with a higher capacity or remove it more frequently during those first few heavy days. You may also experience some gushing as menstrual blood and clots consist of tissue from the uterine lining as well as remnants of the unfertilised egg that come from the fallopian tube. It’s perfectly normal.

Q - do I need more than 1 cup for different flow days

Not necessarily as one cup can work for the entire cycle. However, we have found that some ladies prefer having a Kind Cup Set with their first cup of choice and another one smaller. Their reasons being that they like having the smaller cup in the last stage of their cycle with less blood flow as well as having a spare cup available at work, to travel with or simply as a backup. Many younger females, not sure how to know what menstrual cup to buy, like the idea of purchasing two cups at a reduced price.

One happy Kind Cup user told us that on a recent work trip for an important meeting, her checked-in luggage (with menstrual cup) was misplaced by the carrier. Fortunately, her smaller cup was in her carry-on bag, and she was prepared when her period showed up (the next morning) before her luggage.

Q - can I wear a cup if I'm a virgin

Even if you have never had penetrative sex or masturbated before, a virgin can use a menstrual cup, as inserting a cup is really the same as inserting a tampon.

Q - will a menstrual cup break my hymen

Regular activities like horse riding can affect a hymen but using a cup is highly unlikely to break it. Although a hymen is just a piece of skin and will not be broken by inserting a menstrual cup, there are people and cultures that prefer females not to wear either a tampon or a cup.

Q - which menstrual cup is best for beginners

We recommend the small Kind Cup for virgins, teenagers, and young beginners.

Q - which menstrual cup is best for me

Finding the best menstrual cup for you can sometimes be tricky. Some ladies prefer them to be very soft and some like a firmer cup better.

It is a personal journey and if you’re a newbie, we recommend trying your cup out over weekends when you are at home and more relaxed, as a great way to get comfortable with the whole process of inserting, wearing, and removing it. Build your confidence in the safety and comfort of your own home and bathroom. Do some exercises and get the feeling of how it should feel when you’re active and on the go.

3. Kind Cup Best Practices

You’ve purchased your cup and are ready to try it out. Kind Cups are supplied in a pouch and a little box but are not sterile. So, before using your cup the first time, it needs to be sanitised in boiling water.

Q - how long to boil menstrual cup

Submerge your cup in a small pot of water and bring to a boil for 3-5 minutes to sterilise your cup. Never let the cup touch the base of the boiling pot, let it rest on a strainer or tongs and allow the water and cup to cool down completely, before handling or inserting it.

Q - menstrual cup folds

There are several methods of folding your Kind Cup like the Punchdown, C or U-fold, S-fold, M or E-fold, Diamond, and the 7-Fold etc. All these methods eventually come down to your cup being tightly folded to be inserted like a tampon without an applicator. But if you find a method different to any of these and it’s working like a charm, pray do tell us about it.

Q - how to insert a menstrual cup pain free

How to insert a menstrual cup for beginners or everybody else with lots of experience, should never ever be painful. Yes, it may take some getting used to but should never hurt. If anything like me, you might break out a sweat the first time but believe you me, after a day or two, you will forget you have it in, and your confidence will soar.

But here’s the low-down on the how to:

  • after sterilising your cup, and before handling it, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water

  • wet your cup with cold, clean water which acts as a natural lubricant for gentle insertion. Refrain from using petroleum jelly and stick to water-based or natural lubricants

  • fold the cup between your thumb and forefinger. We have found many women using a Punchdown or C shape easiest to insert but it is a personal choice

  • find a comfortable position, ideally a squat which many ladies prefer or standing with one leg raised

  • with your one hand, gently separate your labia

  • now breathe and relax! This is extremely important

  • gently push the lubricated, folded cup into your vagina, towards your tailbone (not straight up) and position your cup a little lower than a tampon, or until the stem can be felt 1-2 cm inside your vagina

  • now release your finger on the fold and allow the KIND CUP to open completely. Rotate it fully in either direction as it will help to open the cup

  • feel around the rim to make 100% sure the entire cup is fully opened. There should be no pronounced puckering

  • if at times your cup opens before completely inserted, don’t worry

  • give the stem a gentle tug and if you feel resistance, you’ll know your cup has sealed, and sucks and sits correctly

  • a snug and comfortable fit creates the required suction that is necessary for a leak-free flow

  • if your cup protrudes, you will need to remove and re-insert it

  • if the toggle is sticking out, it can be trimmed

Q - where should menstrual cup sit

We all have different anatomies and there is not an ideal position or the perfect “menstrual

cup how far to insert” guideline, but if you have used tampons before, positioning your cup comfortably for your perfect fit will feel the same as wearing a tampon. Insert your cup slightly lower than you would a tampon, or until the stem can be felt 1-2 cm inside your vagina. Take your time and experiment with a little lower or higher until you’ve reached happiness…and then there are some ladies getting it perfect from the very first moment!

Q - how to insert menstrual cup with tilted uterus

A uterus would normally tip forward at the cervix where a tilted uterus tips backward. It’s not considered to be an abnormal anatomical variation and fairly common for one out of approx. five women. Also known as a retroverted, retroflexed or tipped uterus.

Perhaps you didn’t know it, but you may have a tilted uterus if you have you experienced:

  • the need to fiddle with getting a tampon into the most comfortable position in your vagina like sliding it past the cervix

  • with a tampon in, you felt some gushing just to realise your tampon didn’t absorb everything and you’re starting to leak

  • uncomfortable penetrative sex in certain positions.

To wear a cup with a tilted uterus successfully, could require you experimenting with finding the best possible position under the cervix and the cup fully opening in the vaginal canal.

If you’re using a menstrual cup with a tilted uterus, the position of your cervix may require you to insert your cup differently, perhaps a little lower and trim the stem. You may also need to test various methods of folding and inserting. If you are not sure about the size, try our soft and small Kind Cup first and if it gets filled up in less time than 12 hours, simply empty it more often (which is actually better). With more confidence, you could try a size bigger.

Ladies, kindly consider Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor if you have a tilted uterus.

Q - can menstrual cup damage cervix

Let your cervix guide you on what menstrual cup is best for a low cervix, and here’s how to measure it. Insert your finger into your vagina and touch your cervix, that little round knob at the base of your uterus. If you reach your cervix at your first knuckle in, it’s low. At your second knuckle, it is around normal and if you can’t touch it with a full finger inserted, your cervix is high. And another thing…not all cervixes are centered. If you are familiar with your body, you might know it or ask your doctor on your next visit where your cervix is. If off-center, you might try to angle your cup in your cervix’s direction for a comfortable fit.

This is not medical advice but from personal experience and having used tampons for many years with a tilted uterus, I’ve found menstrual cups a better option than tampons and no, they don’t damage a cervix when inserted and positioned comfortably.

Take the time to experiment your cup inserting technique while squatting. Position it comfortably into your unique vaginal shape to sit below the cervical opening. This may require some practice and patience but so worth it.

Q - should menstrual cup stem stick out

No. Unlike a tampon string, a cup stem should never stick out as it will be uncomfortable and can cause irritation.

Q – can I trim the stem

The Kind Cup is designed to be soft and comfortable so you can keep the toggle to locate the cup, although it isn’t necessary for cup removal.

But should you wish to trim it:

  • ensure you can reach your cup before trimming the stem

  • determine the length of the stem before trimming

  • cut it on one of the indentations

  • don’t cut too close to the cup if you have a high cervix. You can gauge this by inserting your finger, reaching for something that feels like a little knob – if your fully inserted fingertip doesn’t feel anything except vaginal walls, you might struggle to reach your cup and squeeze the bottom to release suction and pull it out

  • be very careful if you want to snip it while wearing your cup, no just don’t go there, take it out first…

Q – will I feel my cup

No, you shouldn’t but if you don’t get it right from the first moment, don’t worry. Inserting and removing your cup might require some practice and feedback we received on getting it right sooner, came from ladies doing it in the shower at first. The water helped to lubricate the cup going in while being in the shower made the messier part of coming out, easier to navigate.

Also note that cups can move slightly up and down during the day. If you feel uncomfortable, remove yours and adjust when inserting again.

We strongly advise against wearing your cup for longer than 12 hours at a time.

Q - are menstrual cups supposed to hurt

Never. Wearing a cup should be a liberating and life changing experience and not causing any pain but if it happens, consider a smaller size cup.

If you still suffer from discomfort or any pain after a few tries, rather consult with your doctor for underlying issues.

Q – how long can I wear my cup

You can safely wear your Kind Cup for up to 12 hours before emptying, cleaning, and re-inserting it. If you experience heavy flow during your first days, empty it more frequently for your own peace of mind.

Related to this question also, you can wear your Kind Cup for 5 years and longer if you treat her nicely.

Q - when to remove menstrual cup

We recommend removing your cup at least twice per day. Cups can hold 4-6 times more than a pad or tampon, so you can wear your cup longer than a tampon.

Q - how to remove a menstrual cup

This process is just as important as inserting your cup.

Before removing, be it at home, the office or public restroom, always ensure your hands are thoroughly cleaned by washing them thoroughly with soap and water. Don’t take any chances, it’s not worth it, and your sanitised hands from the shop you visited just before entering the public ladies’ room, should still be washed before going into the stall.

It can be tricky in a public toilet, and we recommend taking bottled water into the stall with you. Also consider taking a small face cloth or wet wipes, just to be prepared (and confident!) for any unexpected situation.

  • now relax and resume the position that you are most comfortable with, be it standing in the shower (best option for a beginner), squatting or a raised leg over the toilet

  • insert your thumb and index finger and break the suction seal by pinching the base of your cup.

  • never pull the stem, as your vagina walls may feel the pull caused by the suction. Sometimes it helps to use your pelvic floor muscles to push your cup down to get a good grip on it.

  • pinch your cup and slowly pull it out while still pushing down gently

  • or slightly tilt you cup to the side or rock it side to side if that feels better and gently pull it out, while keeping it upright to avoid spilling

  • or keep your cup upright and pull gently until the rim passes the vaginal opening or labia. Tip your cup slightly forward to remove a part of the rim first and then the rest of the cup will follow more easily

  • you could also hold your cup with your thumb, fore and middle finger and push your cup with your thumb between these two fingers, creating a c-fold that could get it out easier

  • empty it in the toilet, shower or sink

  • rinse with clean water and re-insert or boil it, cool down and put it in your pouch until next time.

Q - is removal of the cup painful?

It is not supposed to hurt but sometimes removing it may cause discomfort as it is now opened and not folded like when it was inserted. The key is to relax and remove it gently. With practice you will definitely perfect your technique.

4. Cleaning Menstrual Cup

Q- how to clean menstrual cup

As silicone is a porous material, never wash or soak your cup in anything besides clean water. Using any disinfectant, bleach or oil based and antibacterial soaps, will kill your cup and may also irritate your vagina. Turn it inside out and make sure it is properly clean. Don’t brush it with a nailbrush or toothbrush as the cup texture may get course and will irritate your vaginal walls.

Q - how often to wash menstrual cup

Every time you remove your cup, rinse it thoroughly with clean and cold or warm water. Make sure the holes around the rim are clean and open. At the end of your cycle, you can boil it for 2-3 minutes without touching the pot’s bottom and when cooled down, store in its black pouch and put away till next time. Best practice is to wash your little bag every time before storing your cup too.

As our Kind Cup is dark in colour, it doesn’t stain. However, if your cup should develop a persistent odour, even after thorough washing, please consider replacing it. Also remember that the pH levels in our bodies differ due to our genes or diet and some girls may experience a stronger odour than other, which is perfectly normal. However, if it is an offensive odour, please discuss it with your doctor.

5. Where to put a menstrual cup

Q- where to store menstrual cup

With your Kind Cup you will receive a small silk pouch to store your cup in. Should you choose your own bag, ensure that it’s breathable. Don’t put it in a plastic bag or an airtight container though and keep it out of direct sunlight.

6. Troubleshooting

Q - menstrual cup leaks when I sleep

If you experience leaking while wearing a menstrual cup at night, it could be that your cup:

  • hasn’t opened correctly when inserted before going to bed

  • is too big and can’t open and seal properly (could leak at other times too)

  • is so full that suction is starting to give way (could happen in early/heavy flow stage of cycle).

When you have inserted your cup, wet with the water used as lubricant, spotting may occur from blood left downwards in your vagina. Prevent this spotting by rinsing or wiping your labia after you have inserted your cup.

And if you are a beginner and a little scared of possible leaking, wear a pantyliner as a safeguard until you gain more confidence and assurance.

But because cups hold more than tampons, they are really fantastic to wear overnight.

Q - I can feel my cup

If you can feel your menstrual cup when sitting, walking or exercising, remove and re-insert slightly higher or more slanted until you feel 100% comfortable…and actually don’t feel a thing. If you have tried several times and it still isn’t working for you, give yourself a gentle break. Try again next cycle or speak to your doctor if you feel something is amiss.

Q - why is my menstrual cup not opening

Try to pinch your cup a little higher above the toggle. This will add pressure to pop the rim and then give it a little tug to ensure it is sucking properly, confirming your cup is fully open. Always run your finger around the rim to ensure it is fully open. Or…your cup might be too big for your unique vaginal space.

Q – I’ve got blood on my hands

That is bound to happen every time you remove your cup. For some ladies, finding their own comfort level while getting in touch with their inner anatomy, may take some time. If you are new to menstrual cups and tampons, perhaps try tampons first. Experiment and be kind to yourself.

Q - I have vaginismus, can I wear a cup

For those that don’t know, vaginismus is the involuntary tensing or contracting of muscles around the vagina as soon as something like a menstrual cup or penis enters. It affects a lot of women for different reasons, but yes you could very well wear a cup. Consider the following:

  • opt for a soft and smaller cup until you get more comfortable

  • always use a lubricant to insert

  • breathe and relax when you insert and same when you remove your cup.

We have a few very happy users with this condition, confirmed wearing their cups with great comfort.

Q - can I use a menstrual cup after giving birth

No. We do not recommend wearing a cup right after having had a baby. Your vagina has worked extremely hard and needs to recover to her original shape. You will experience more blood flow called lochia, so rather wear pads. Just a few weeks, and everything will be back to normal. Even if you’ve had a c-section, wait at least until your six-weeks check-up and chat to your doctor before using your cup again. If it is still sensitive, give yourself more time.

Q – can I…menstrual cup you can have sex with

There are menstrual cups on Amazon that you can have sex with, but we don’t recommend having sex with a Kind Cup nestled just below the cervix in your vagina for obvious reasons. It simply wasn’t built to accommodate a pounding penis.

Q – ok, can I masturbate with a cup in

Oh indeed! Enjoy any clitoral external stimulation to your heart’s delight. Orgasms won’t interfere with your cup and might even offer some relief for cramps and kill the bitch called PMS. If you don’t go too deep, some internal stimulation could be quite enjoyable too.

Q – I want to get pregnant, can a menstrual cup help

Yes, according to, Dr Sherry Ross advises a male to “pull out” and deposit his sperm inside his female partner’s menstrual cup before she inserts it. Another method is for a lady to insert a menstrual cup right after sex. If you’re struggling to become pregnant, try these methods first before spending money on expensive fertility treatment.

"In every ejaculate, there are millions of sperm swimming around," she notes. "A menstrual cup full of sperm allows the sperm to move in only one direction and that is towards the egg. The cervical mucus associated with ovulation helps the sperm swim up through the cervix and uterus ultimately making its way into the fallopian tube where the egg is fertilized. It only takes one sperm to penetrate the egg to allow fertilization to occur.”

Q - will menstrual cup stretch me out

No. Vaginas have lots of folds and are made of muscle tissue that can expand and unfold to accommodate in random order, a penis, a baby, and a menstrual cup. They return to their normal shape and size when empty but won’t get “stretched out”. Vaginas do grow old like us though, but a cup won’t outspread them.

Q - will menstrual cup overflow

If you have ever experienced an overflow or leaking, it could be that your cup didn’t fully open or take note of the day that it happened during your cycle and remove your cup more frequently on these strong flow days during your next cycle. If this doesn’t help, best consider a bigger cup.

Q – what is the menstrual cup age limit

There is no age limit to wearing a menstrual cup. If you’re a teen and started menstruating, you can wear one. The same goes for any female still menstruating up to menopause.

Q - is menstrual cup better than pads

Choosing menstrual hygiene products is very personal. A menstrual cup is not for everyone but its most endearing quality is the light footprint on nature, as they can be reusable for up to 5 years and more. Reusable pads are nonetheless a great option if you can’t wear cups.

Q – I wear tampons and suffer from cramps, can menstrual cup cause cramps

No. On the contrary, feedback we’ve received reported quite the opposite. The open cups catching all menstrual matter, allowed an unhindered flow and no blockage that needed to be absorbed like when wearing a tampon.

Q - can I wear a menstrual cup before my period starts

One of the great benefits of the cup is that if you knew your period was to start at a certain day, you could wear it and not get caught unprepared. But still, never exceed the 12-hour period.

Q – when my bowel was full, I felt my cup

You may have period constipation and when there is a build-up in your rectum, you could feel some pressure on your vaginal canal with a cup in it. Eat more fibre, drink 2L water every day and exercise to get things running smoothly again.

Q - can I do number two with a cup in

Yes you can although a lot of ladies prefer to remove their cups before they do. Cups don’t inhibit your normal bodily functions, but in some cases, may have moved down after a bowel activity and can simply be nudged up back in place, by hand.

Q – can menstrual cup cause prolapse

No, pelvic prolapse doesn’t stem from menstrual cup use but rather when the muscles of the pelvis stop working as they should in supporting organs in the pelvic area. Common causes are multiple childbirths, long hours standing and ageing. But this is a chat you could have with your doctor first, if you wish to start wearing a menstrual cup knowing you have some prolapse.

Q - can menstrual cup get lost

No don’t fear. Your cup can’t go higher than your cervix, even if it is really high. If you can’t feel the toggle, breathe, relax, squat, and push your pelvic floor muscles like you would to relieve a bowel. This will help your cup go down south, and you would be able to reach, pinch and gently get the little sucker out.

Q – as a sporty person, can I wear a menstrual cup

Yes, just do it. Your cup seals and sucks like a pro and you won’t lose it. Go for gold, whatever the type of sport activities you participate in. Just keep an eye on your cup if you are new to wearing one, especially during hectic exercises or running. In your heavy flow days, it might fill up quicker.

Q – can I swim with my menstrual cup

Your Kind Cup is the first thing to pack when you go on holiday. You can swim with it, travel with it for up to 12 hours (if needed), and even insert it before your period is due to start for blissful and stress-free holiday action.

Q - can menstrual cup pull out iud

It can happen yes but rarely does.

If you are unsure of wearing a cup while having an IUD, rather discuss it with your doctor first.

An IUD sits higher than your cup and has strings that can get trapped between the cup rim and the vaginal wall. Some ladies can feel the strings. If the cup is tugged without releasing the suction first, the rim could drag on the IUD strings and dislodge it. Therefore, you could also ask your doctor to trim the strings.


But to prevent your cup from pulling out your IUD, be aware of your device strings and make sure to break the seal of your cup by pinching the base and slowly remove it. If you feel a different pulling sensation, stop. Change your hold on the cup base, pinch, rotate and slowly pull again. Never pull on the toggle to get your cup out regardless of having an IUD in or not.

Another thing to keep in mind with an IUD is that when you insert your cup, the strings might prevent it from fully opening as proper suction is compromised, although it is not a common problem.

But if you can feel your strings, insert your cup slightly lower and out of reach of the strings, then gently push it up to the correct place, and always test the suction.

As the Kind Cup is to be used as a personal hygiene and menstrual device, Kind Cup cannot be held accountable for any infection or personal injury that also includes the removal of an IUD.

Q – I’m scared of menstrual cup side effects and Toxic Shock Syndrome

TSS is serious but if you simply follow all the guidelines above, your chances of contracting TSS are extremely slim. If you are interested to know more, kindly read this scientific TSS Case Study.

In short, TSS can be contracted from bacteria entering the bloodstream via an abrasion in the vagina, possibly caused by nails, sex/toys, or vaginal dryness when a tampon or unlubricated cup that irritated vaginal tissue, was inserted.

If you become aware of chafing or painful sensitivity in your vaginal area, don’t use any internal period wear for a while and speak to your doctor if it persists.

TSS symptoms include sudden high fever, severe pelvic pain, seizures, vomiting, diarrhoea, and black vaginal discharge but the condition is treatable.

However, considering that millions of women all over the world insert cups with clean hands and wear them up to 12 hours in one go, the number of TSS cases are rather negligible.

Q - can menstrual cup cause yeast infection

Not likely. Infection from a menstrual cup is rare. It would rather occur from bacteria being transferred from hands to a cup. Douching can also cause infection because it changes the vagina’s natural acidic pH, allowing candida fungus to grow.

Antibiotics kill bacteria but when continued to be used, it may also disrupt the delicate vaginal pH balance. Antifungal medicine is the remedy, but your period can also flush out a yeast infection with menstrual blood raising the vaginal pH and yeast cells to decrease.

Q - can menstrual cup cause uti

No. Urinary Tract Infection and yeast infection may be mistaken for each other, but they are not the same. A big difference lies in what causes it as UTI can come from the E. coli bacteria - living naturally in the guts of many humans – to somehow get transferred from the gut to the anus, attaching to stool and then comes in contact with a urethra into the bladder. There it creates havoc. That’s why we should always wipe the purty little ass from the front to the back.

Sexual partners, spermicides and diabetes can also increase the chances of UTI and antibiotics are the best remedy for this kind of infection.

Q – can I use a cup with endometriosis

Natural tissue growth occurs on the lining of the uterus monthly (remember we said this tissue and remnants of the unfertilised egg come down with menstrual blood).

Endometrioses is rogue tissue growth, that found its way to a location outside of the uterine cavity like the ovaries or surface of the uterus or other organs. Changing hormone levels will encourage this tissue growth but also cause it to break down with serious pain during menstruation and possible scar formation. This condition affects approx. 5% of South African women with Asian females being affected the most.

Menstrual cups don’t have a negative impact on females with endometrioses and would rather help to relieve some symptoms, which can be chronic pain. Thinking of you, ladies!

Q - are menstrual cups biodegradable

No, medical grade silicone is biocompatible and recyclable but not biodegradable although it’s non-toxic to aquatic and soil organisms.

When your menstrual cup has reached the end of her days, cut it in tiny pieces, burn it and throw the ashes in the trash. The ashes are not harmful to nature in any way.

Q - where to buy menstrual cup in south africa

There are several menstrual cup brands available in South Africa and if you are keen on purchasing a soft and black menstrual Kind Cup contact us soonest.

If you have a comment to add, we love all feedback.

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